Advanced Coating Capabilities


Rigaku Innovative Technologies (RIT), manufacturer of Osmic® Optics, is the components division of Rigaku Corporation. RIT is a global supplier of high performance single film and multilayer coatings used in commercial and academic institutions and government research facilities.

RIT has experience in developing thin-film coated products and coating processes for many applications. Whether you need a company to manufacture a coated product or a partner to develop a new coating, RIT is ready to help.

Advanced Coating Capabilities

  • Nine magnetron sputtering chambers
  • One ion-beam sputter chamber
  • Reactive sputtering, plasma etch and ion polishing
  • Single layer or multilayer thin film coatings, up to 8 materials in a single run
  • Single or multiple coating designs on the same substrate
  • Uniform coatings to a precision of < 0.1% in thickness variation
  • Depth graded, lateral graded or symmetrically graded coatings with precision to 0.2%
  • Adhesion layers and capping layers

RIT has in-house design capability for nearly all coatings. Materials options include single films or multilayer films of pure or reactively sputtered W, Ni, Ti, V, Cr, Sc, Mo, Ta, La, Ru, Fe, Pt, Rh, Au, Ag, MoS2, Al2O3, Si, C, B4C, SiC, SiO2, and practically any other material that can be sputtered or reactively sputtered. Up to 8 different materials can be coated in a single coating run.

Substrates can be any vacuum compatible material with physical dimensions of

  • Length from 3mm up to 1500mm
  • Width up to 750mm
  • Diameter up to 750mm
  • Shapes include flat, parabolic, elliptical, spherical, aspherical or toroidal


RIT uses a suite of in-house metrology tools including X-ray Reflectometry, X-ray Spectroscopy, Optical Interferometry, Atomic Force Microscopy, UV/VIS Reflectometry, and Optical Microscopy.

Successful Developments

  • High reflectivity optical coatings from various materials for a broad range of wavelengths
  • MoS2 coating as a solid lubricant, licensed for manufacture
  • Various B4C based coatings for tool coatings, licensed for manufacture
  • Mo-based film for hydrogen fuel cell development
  • Waveguide and supermirror coatings for neutron analyses
  • Various optical coatings for X-ray applications including:
    • Spectroscopy analyzers
    • Diffraction monochromators and analyzers
    • Focusing optics
    • Collimating optics
    • Multilayers as double multilayer monochromator (DMM) sets, offering high flux and a broad range of energy selectivity
    • Extreme Ultra Violet Lithography (EUVL) collectors, illumination, imaging and metrology optics
    • Extreme Ultra Violet or EUV-XUL for precision diffractive optics for multidisciplinary studies and astronomical research

Fig 1: Demonstrates 2 different coatings on a substrate

Fig 2: Precision coating on a complex shape

Contact Us

Nick Grupido
Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Rigaku Innovative Technologies
A division of Rigaku Americas Holding, Inc.
1900 Taylor Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Phone: 248-232-6400
Japan – Sales Distributor
Yuko Kyozawa
RAD Device Co., Ltd.
Urbanplaza Izumi 7F 2-26-4 Myojin-Cho
Hachioji-Shi, Tokyo 〒192-0046, Japan
Phone: +81-42-642-0889
Fax : +81-42-642-0896